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Scientific and methodological and informational support of realization of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of Russia’s collaboration with the OECD in the field of educational, science and technology and innovation policy in the context of the given task of Russia’s accession to the OECD.
Customer: Ministry of education and science of Russia, 2009

Contents of the Research:
  1. Development of project on how to organize the collaboration of the Ministry of education and science of Russia with the OECD relevant committees and departments, including the format of accountability of Russian experts’ participation in the corresponding events;
  2. Preparation of the analytical report containing analysis results of the OECD normative legal acts in the field of education and science;
  3. Preparation of statistical and analytical data and information about the development of education and science in Russia, that are systematized according to the OECD questionnaires’ requirements;
  4. Preparation of analytical outlooks in the framework of Russia’s participation in the activity of relevant committees of the OECD.


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